Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Twinkle Toes

I just gave blood awhile ago... can I just say... I don't like blood. However, I'm proud of myself for doing it. Becky (this fabulous, amazing girl from my Ward) saved my life. I was really freaking out and she helped me out tons! I love you Becky! I'm so glad we are friends!

The red cross people were awesome!

Haha.... Currentely I'm watching the Bachelor.... Yes, I know. Mock me if you must.

The worst thing about watching this episode... is it's probably just going to be a lot about gossip.... I'm only in the first few minutes of it and I'm all ready bored. But here is the worst part... I STILL HAVE TO WATCH IT! *Sigh* Why? Because it's the curiosity factor. I have to know what this is about....

Out of the show this week, this was my favorite quote: "That girl floats on Twinkle toes..." Ha ha... This is refering to Tinley... she is very sweet and happy all of the time.

I don't think I could ever date someone who never expressed anything except joy. I'm sure she expresses more... we just don't see it on the television. I've realize that as an individual I have intense... emotions. ha ha. When I'm sad... I'm sad... and when I'm happy, I'm happy!

So I think when I date individuals I need someone who expresses their emotions... although I'll probably need someone who is a little less (well a lot less) dramatic then I am. Since I'm so open I hate when people don't tell me how they feel.

Through my life I've started to become more and more of a blunt person. Sometimes this... bluntness get's me into trouble but over all it makes me feel better when I can be honest with people.

However, I suppose in dating I become a lot less open... so I guess I shouldn't ask guys to open up if I don't. I think I have like a second personality... (we are one and the same but very different.) I'm not sure if that makes sense at all. It's just with dating I guess I become very very self aware and consious of myself....

I'd bet everyone feels that way.... Just some are a little more self confident and assured.....

Bla! Why have all my posts been so boring lately? Sorry all....

I think... The Bachelor will end with Jake and Vienna. That is just my guess though... maybe I'm wrong....

If you watch the show: "Who do you think will end up with Jake?"


  1. I think you're fantastic. I'm glad I we could donate blood together today. :D Oh...and your openness and bluntness is refreshing. I find myself much more willing to tell you things than almost any other person I've met in Cedar because I feel like you're respectful of what people have to say. So overall, you're totally fantastic in every way. Totally!

  2. Ummmm after my accident I was poked and prodded to no end. I am no longer scared of needles or giving blood. I haven't done it in a while, I'm enemic so they just don't like my blood. ha.

    Umm.. I hear he ends up with Vienna, and that ACTUALLY they've already broken up. I hope either Tenley or Allie is the new Bachelorette

  3. Awww... thanks Becky! I think YOUR fantastic!

    Oh no! How sad... I hope that they haven't all ready broken up... that's sad. Quite a waste of time.

    Although I'm quite sure it's her because after all teh drama he kept picking her....
