Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Anyone can wear designer clothes... but it takes a special someone to pull of Walmart and Target. ;P

I just spent the last thirty min or so talking to a guy who spent at least a thousand plus dollars on a new wardrobe. I'm pretty good with Math and let me say... I'm sure it's even more than that.

Just from one shopping:
-$200 Jeans....
-$400 watch
-$200 bracelet (and that's what he said
-Plus more pants and more shirts... (AND THEY ALL ARE DESIGNER STUFF)


Seriously! Are you kidding me?

Dear Boy,
If you are reading this. I don't mean to knock I just... I can't understand. I can't relate.

Also... it might worry me that you have more expensive clothes than I do.

Ha ha. Maybe I'm just jealous because I especially looked like crap today in my hoodie and lame jeans. Especially because I really want new clothes. Drat! I use to be so good and not waste money.... Erg!

Anyway it's not really you, it's me. Ha ha.


If you ever do get engaged to that girl... you'll have to let me see the ring. Seriously to top that promise ring. Haha. You really will have to give her a "Ringpop" diamond.

Words of Advice
Awhile back... someone sad to me: Quote,"I know how you feel."

When they blanetly DON'T KNOW. They don't have the faintest clue!

So as good advice from one person to the other... DON'T EVER SAY THAT. Even if you've been in the same position, don't ever say that.

However, if you have been in a similar situation you can say, "I'm sorry that happned to you... this happened to me... bla bla."

The only person who knows how every individual feels is Christ. Only He knows exactly how we all can feel.

So I just wanted to make a shout out in case anyone has ever thought about uttering those words... never... never say those words.

These words are not comforting at all... it meerly makes a person annoyed or upset with you.

Oh man I have a huge homework assignment to do....

I really should be doing it now... but I'm not. Do you know what I'm doing... Ha ha. I'l tell you but you have to promise not to tell....


Okay... you probably will make fun of me and won't let me live it down. Please just don't make fun of me in public... Ha ha.

My Dirty Little Secret
So... I watch the Bachelor. I know. I am such a lame-O! Ha ha. Every Monday night or Tuesday I watch it on Hulu. Usually it's in the computer lab when I am suppose to be doing homework.... ha ha.

I hate to even write it. To admit it out on the World Wide Web. The "lameness" sinks in....

Why? Because I don't even believe this show is real. How so? You see love and infactuation are completely different. Sure you can be infactuate with a girl or guy in a short amount of time.

The whole love at first sight... that's lust. You can't love someone's soul after just looking at them.

I think that's one of the major problems with society everyone rushes into everything because they think they are in "love". When ususally it's just the hormones talking....

I know you don't want to hear me rant so I'll end this lecture now. To all of you I just advise you to take your time.

If your LDS... or you believe in life after death.... you have all of the Eternities to be married. Why not enjoy getting to know yourself and know what you truely want from someone else....

I usually blog while I watch The Bachelor. ha ha. So right now I'm watching the one that came out. There are three girls and Jake is narrowing it down to two.... Ahhh.... I like Gia but I feel as though he might drop her.

I guess I'll see shortly if I'm right. ha ha.

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