Monday, February 22, 2010

Pew You...

"It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life... for me. And I'm feeling good...."

Yesterday I was bruised by a Pew while I was in church I whacked my foot on the pew (which in church terms means a really long bench).

I actually don't even bruise that easy... it's just my blood vessels pop easy.... How lame is that. I can pop a blood vessel by playing volleyball. For those of you who don't know how it feels... it hurts.

I find it rather interesting how somethings in life we can be really tough but other things we are really sensitive.... This applies to me in a lot of retrospects. I suppose it's all apart of the confidence issue. Things like my make-up security blanket....

It's the struggle of finding confidence in ourselves that we are valued, talented, intellectual or beautiful or handsome.... Because we all feel worthless, talentless, stupid and ugly at times....

If you've never felt any of these feelings... well bravo to you. (A round of applause)However, most individuals don't feel that way.

Bla... enough of this boring discusion.

Tonight i have Family Home Evening (FHE) but I really feel like go swimming or working out. Hmm.... Decisions decisions. I wonder what we are even doing for our FME.

Also... the bachelor will be on this evening.... ha ha. I know my lame dirty little secret. It's quite ridiculous. Especially the fact that I don't think they are in love... only lust. So why do I watch it? Well if you've read my last post about it... well I don't even remember why. :D

I have quite a bit of homework to do tonight but I don't want to. Bla.

Don't you hate when someone calls you by name and you have no idea what their name is? I hate it. It makes me feel like a horrible person. However, I"ll admit it makes me feel good that they know my name. Ha ha. Oh man, I'm a horrible person.

I have this problem where I am really bad with names. Unfortunately, I forget. The worst thing is when you can't remember someones name and you've met them various times but you don't remember their name. And time has past so it would be absolutely horrid of you to ask their name for the hundredth time (okay not this bad exactly).

There was this kid from Snow College and I could never remember if his name was Vance or Vince. And he would QUIZ me. The horrid boy! Ha ha. Just teasing Vance!

Anyway once I realized I learn names better when I give something the person a nickname that associates with the person's name. Usually I pick something that rhymes or that starts with the letter of their first name.

Anyway so I made up this whole song about Vance, "Vance, he wears his western pants, he likes to swing dance...." Ha ha.

Once I even sang it to him. It's brilliant! I actually use this technique a lot. However, sometimes I forget and so I just have to use the name at least four times in my first conversation with the person.

Such as: "Ah... I see where you're coming from George. So what are you majoring in again George? So why did you pick that major exactly George?" (Okay that is over exaggerated but you get my drift.

Have you realized the value of using someones name? I should do it more often... seeing as I just usually talk to everyone vaguly and I don't use their names....

I recognize my blogs aren't as organized as they use to be. There really hasn't been any awesome stories to write....

Recently I just write what ever pops into my little mind. Usually I'm thinking a billion things at once anyway, so I don't recognize how disorganized I've becoem, because it makes perfect sense to me....


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