Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I Was Cut Open

So last night I had this crazy dream. I dreamed I was cut open.

I don't remember much but here is the run down.

I remember the dream was in a building that represented my home (my home not my apartment) as well as this computer lab (The SUU ELC) at my University.

I remember thinking I had to go some where and do something but I didn't know exactly what it was. I was walking down a corridor and I opened a door and there was this doctor hovering over a person that was screaming in pain. The doctor told me to leave and so I awkwardly stepped out the door and pulled the door behind me.

Then I don't know how but the scene change (like how it often does in dreams).

Suddenly I was the one who was screaming in pain. The doctor had to fix something with my spine and for some reason the doctor opened up my whole back.... I was screaming in pain for him to sew my stiches up. I remember thinking I was going to bleed to death....

He wouldn't stich me up I remember biting my tongue to stop screaming. When I woke up... I had actually been biting my tongue... and it was throbbing.

So if dreams are meant to be analyzed what does mine mean? ....Hmm....

What did you dream last night?


  1. I can't remember my draems last night. Ugh, I wish I would remember them more sometimes. Clearly you feel like someone is trying to fix you in ways that you don't want to be fixed but you feel as if you can't complain to them about it. Or perhaps you just need some intense spinal surgery.

  2. Ha ha.... Brilliant. Thanks Tripp.
