Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm a Nerd

Nothing really exciting or thrilling has happened to me today that I feel the urge to announce or report.

I currently am taking a short break from studying for a test. Sigh* The last few weeks I've been really worried about my lack of concentration. Recently I am thinking I am getting it back. However, I am not certain. I dearly hope so because I am a nerd so when I don't want to study like usual it is quite worrisome.

You see I can be categorized as a type B nerd. You see I'm not the general classification of a nerd but I have definite qualities so I should have some form of "nerd" in my title description.

-I sit in the front of the class
I don't like to sit directly in front of the teacher or professor so I prefer to sit slightly to the right. It absolutely drives me crazy when someone takes my designated spot. After all, it should be a rule that once an individual sits in a consecutive seat more than two weeks... it should be a given that the spot is now theirs (at least in my mind).

Last week a girl sat in my seat and I starting freaking out. I was only one seat to the side but in my opinion it was just too far to the side.... I know I'm ridiculous.

I've also noticed I don't like to sit directly in front of my professors because I have a slightly Professor bubble. I believe it was the second week of classes and one of my professors reached over and grabbed my jacket and jerked me back and forth for a visual in their lecture. I really freaked out.... I'm not certain why it affected me so... but now that is the only class that I've sat in the second row... since... I don't know how long. I really would just sit in that first front row if it wasn't for a kid in my class who keeps stealing MY spot! It was mine first. *Dramatic sigh* Anyway he basically took over and it makes me slightly irritated every time.

-I freak out out if I don't get my " A"s
I work hard to maintain a certain GPA and I really freak out when I get low scores.

This is why I am so frustrated with my self for my recent lack in my desire to do my homework. Ahhh! I'm just ready for summer. I think I'm getting better.... But if I don't any suggestions?

-I hate missing classes
I hate missing classes and so I don't do it. If it ever happens I feel really guilty and worried that I've missed something vital.

Last week I missed my Advertising class. I woke up past 8:00 and my class starts at 8:30 and takes me roughly 8 minutes to walk to class. (I'm so lame I didn't want to go with out getting ready... aka: putting on my makeup and showering.... And so I missed my class. Lame, I know.)

-In high school I would read during lunch break
I would always eat my homemade lunch that my mother would lovingly make... and I would read. If it was an emotional book, individual would often find me crying over especially moving parts....

I haven't read for awhile I think this is due to the fact that I've been absorbed in school so in my free time I want to socialize. I must start reading again... I miss getting completely absorbed in a good book.


Speaking of nerd qualities.... My inner nerd is calling... I MUST return to my studies!

However, since I've been struggling with focusing... any suggestions? For future reference.... :P


  1. ha ha, i always thought i was a nerd (at BYU i studied an average of 5 hours a day) but i definitely do NOT sit on the front row. also, in high school i wouldn't have been caught dead reading during lunch.

  2. Kelly,
    Throw away my baby? No way! Ha ha.

    Kelli Jean,
    You wouldn't be caught dead huh? Guess you were in the cool "click". :P

  3. not because i was trying to be cool. because i had absolutely NO desire to be reading text books. ever.

  4. Ha ha. I was just teasing. No No... NOT text books... fantasy... FUN books. :)
