Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Training Toes

Have you ever considered how unflattering flip-flops are? Granted they look cute when your feet are still, but once you start moving... trust me, it's not so attractive.

If you have ever stared down at your feet while you've walked... you'll understand where I'm coming from.

You see as people walk in flip flops, their feet do this awful squashed gorilla. They spread apart and develop into this eagle claw that is trying to break free.

So since I was young and notice this I've tried training my toes to stay together when I walk. Trust me, it's an on going aspiration. Usually I don't even notice that I'm doing it, however it takes concentration so imagine flexing your bicep for a long time. You realize you are flexing your muscle the pain does go away. Although sometimes you find your self doing it... I don't know like when your a girl and you sit up straight because you see a cute guy. It's like that....

I'll admit I have a slight problem with feet.... I've never liked them, but now I can at least say feet are cute. I use to not even like people touching my feet because I thought they were gross and I was sure other people thought it was as well. Now I like when people massage my feet but for the first three minutes I still kind of wig-out. Often times I will fall back into a stage at time where I start freaking out because someone puts their feet on me.

I"ll admit to one of my secrets. I'll look at a guys feet to make sure there feet aren't really gross. I don't really want to go into depth. But as long as they look like they are human feet instead of gorilla feet.... I'm good. I know weird right?

What's something weird you check out on a girl/guy?

(Want to know one of my FAVORITE things I look for? ...defined jaws.... yup :D )

Now I've developed a slight acquaintance with feet. I'm okay... with feet. We aren't pals or anything but I can deal with it. However, I hate feet near my face. So don't but your feet in front of my face unless you want me to attack you.

I'm sure now some of you think I have some sort of fetish about feet but I really don't. I don't even really like them. I just was noticing I was doing the toe work out the other day when I was wearing my flip flops.


I sure that anyone who reads my blog and doesn't know me probably thinks I'm this lame-o nerd, who never leaves her computers side. Honestly, I blog all the time don't I? Oh well. I don't mind if your not getting anything out of it or even reading it. I do it for myself....

Whisper: Okay I really do care but I'll pretend like I don't.

I am on a facebook strike currently, and so I've been getting on an extra amount. I didn't think I was addicted, but I'm going through withdrawls. It's mostly because I want to see if anyone has sent me a message or anything. -Sigh- Oh well.

Yesterday I removed my video post of me singing because I started getting all freaked out that people were going to judge me and crap.... ha ha. What a lame-o am I? Thus to prove I'm not a lame-o I'm going to start keeping an updated youtube account. Don't worry don't feel obligated to watch it. :P We'll see how that goes.... But I'm going to update a video so because I told Olivia I would.

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