Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Ug! Can I just say I'm really frustrated with finals. I'm sitting in the ELC, which is the equivalent of the nerd lab, and I'm SOOOO tired of homework.

I feel as though school should end... now. My last final is on Thursday. Ah Thursday... please come soon.

Awhile back I was chatting with girl and she informed me it was "National Kiss a Mormon Day."

What the heck?

I've never heard of this strange holiday before. I googled it and it came up as something on facebook. I guess if it's on the web it's true right? Ha ha.

Note: Don't worry I didn't get on facebook so I still haven't broken my goal to not get on it until after school... However I'll admit I've almost cracked a few dozen times and about decided to just log on. No, I will stay strong! ha ha...

In my opinion the person who created the holiday just wanted an excuse to kiss someone and apparently the person they wanted to kiss was Mormon. It makes me wonder if it was a guy or a girl. If you are a man who created the holiday.... just get some guts and kiss the person you like. Make the move, you don't need an excuse....
I considered finding someone to smooch, and I still haven't decided if I'm going to do it. And it would only be on the cheek so don't everyone freak out at once. :P

Now some of you might be thinking, "Liz Liz... it's all ready past the 26 and is now the 27, because it's almost two in the morning."

I however, don't consider it the next day until I go to asleep or until five thiry in the morning. So... I still have time.

I've considered randomly walking up to a random boy in the ELC asking if he was LDS and if he answered yes, then giving him a peck on the cheek.
  • Would I explain myself or would I just walk away?
  • Would he freak out if I didn't ask him if I could?
  • Maybe I'll do it when the numbers in here dwindles down just a bit more so there isn't a big audience.
  • Is there any guys who could be potential prospects?
  • Hmm... would he think I was a wierdo/psycho?
  • Should I do it??
When is it the next day? At midnight or when you go to sleep? Do you agree or disagree with me?


  1. 1. walk away... leave him wanting more and all that
    2. most guys don't freak out when a cute girl gives them a kiss ;)
    3. I agree... kissing someone in front of a lot of people is weird
    4. GRAMMER NAZI!!! - the correct statement is "ARE there any guys who could be potential prospects?" ;) and yes... my potential prospect is named Jace... except I don't think he would give me the time of day
    5. see above comment :)
    6. YES!!!

    and its "tomorrow" when you wake up... never at midnight :)

  2. You'll have to tell me about this potential... :P

  3. potential prospect... his name is Jace... no idea what his last name is. He's LDS... in my old testament class. plays guitar... he was in the stake talent show actually... he was the guy who started over because the mic was too low, and he wanted to play his favorite part again :)He's a basketball ref... and over all... EXTREMELY attractive. But years out of my league :/

  4. yeah right! Go after him! He was a cutie with mad skills!

  5. yeah right girly... i don't even know his last name, and i'm pretty sure he doesn't know that i exist. ok he does know i exist, but thats not the point. the point is: 1. I have no idea if he's even single. and 2. boys don't like me. and i'm scared of them. mostly they don't like me

  6. What ever -rolls eyes-. Go for it!
