Tuesday, April 27, 2010


1) Skater boy hair do's... If a guy's hair is longer than mine... it usually just doesn't work. At least in my opinion. Usually long hair only works for punk looks or "beach boy" looks. Again... my opinion.

2) Mustaches....

3)Especially this one with the beard involved...

4) Beards.... Especially the crazy ones.

5) Critisism. I understand that you can't fix the problem unless you know it exists but... tact my friends... tact. Be careful how you present things because you just might offend someone. Especially, especially during finals when I'm all ready stressed and flustered. However I probably would have been annoyed any way. I suppose it's because no one wants to hear bad stuff about themselves.

6) Facebook games. I don't understand the hype to building farms and all that. I suppose I never will unless I play them once.

7) Socks with flipflops. If your feet are cold wear shoes....

8) Why it really matters if the toliet paper is under or over.... It's all about the shower curtain! And yes, it needs to be pushed open to were the toliet is. This way when you exit it isn't by the toliet.

9) Minni skirts and short shorts in the winter. How can you be wearing a big fluffy coat and nothing on your legs? What you wake up and say, "Man my torso is freezing but my legs are on FIRE."

10) Morning people....

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