Saturday, March 20, 2010

PB&J Tea Time

So recently I've been babysitting and just hanging out with the family. I thought I was ready to head back for some good solid book hitting... but I'm not.
Today I made the kids peanut butter and cheese sandwiches for dinner. I had them arrange a nice little picnic with a blanket and small table (a blanket covered plastic container) in the living room. They then put little chairs and stools surrounding the small table on all sides (thus, four kids total.)

I talked with an accent and served them apple juice, cheese sticks, apple slices, and various other things. Acting as their waitress and chef, we all had a grand time.

Honestly, I've worried about not being a fantastic cook, but.... If I can be a "great chef", to kids with PB&J sandwiches.... I'm set. Ha ha. I guess it's all about making things fun and entertaining. Interestingly, I could use the same words to describe how I want things.

I always find it fascinating how little kids can make you want to pull out your hair and also make you want to hug and kiss them at the same time.

When I put one of my nieces (Leilani) to sleep tonight she asked for me to make up a story. Of course I complied, because I must be the COOL AUNT. :D. Yes yes... no need to brag I know.

She asked me to tell a story, "Where a girl named Elizabeth got lost and some body found her."

Of course me, being the cool Aunt, knew exactly where she was going with it. So I began telling a story about myself and where all my nieces and nephews saved me from a terrible fall and broken leg.

Ah... the broken leg. What was I thinking! Poor Leilani couldn't seem to get over it even after I completely the story with a grand happy ending. Leilani told me through tearing eyes and rubbing her head in distress, she didn't want me to "break my leg."

So I told her I had forgotten the rest of the story.... Condensed... I had overreacted and had only sprained my leg. And we had a grand time in a wheel chair that I didn't need in the hallways...

However I still could tell she was distressed.....

Therefore a new story had to induced... so Candy Land became a second story to help her sleep better.

Kids... they are so adorable. However, I'll admit sometimes they drive me a bit crazy. :D That's okay cause crazy is good.
What's been the best thing about your Spring Break or your weekend?


  1. wow you really are 'super aunt!' i tend to just use fairy tales and change the names when i'm asked to make up a story...good on you for being so creative ;)
    The best thing about my weekend? Definelty my trip to Morocco...that country is amazing!
    Enjoy spring break :)

  2. ha ha. Aww thanks trust me though I'm not always awesome. lol.

  3. Mine had to be close to yours...being with family! I loved visiting my two nieces over Spring Break. They seriously are the BEST. When I was with my sister-in-law, we took a trip to Sam's Club. My niece Lizzie got a soft pretzel on the way out. Well, in the car, I started talking to her and she said, "I can't talk now Cheri. I'm busy. Can't you see I'm eating?" She is only 3!! I love her though. I love little kids. They really are so funny.
