Wednesday, March 17, 2010


So... today is not just a holiday.... It is a special day....

So to that special someone out there, I'm thinking about you.

I hope you are having a special day....
Recently I've been thinking about words, adjectives, definitions.

Why does one thing mean something to someone? Why do we make certain associations? Why do we put so much meaning into simple nouns, adjectives... verbs?


  1. Are you asking why we attach meaning to words? Or why we attach more meaning than should reasonably be attached to words? The English language is one of the more complex languages because of the ambiguity of certain words. Like that beer commercial playing right now where the girl tells the guy she loves him and then he tries to say he loves her back but struggles. The waitress comes by and asks him if he would like another miller lite and without hesitation, he says "I'd love one." The girl kinda has this confused look on her face. The same word "love" has two completely different connotations here. In reality, the word "love" has degrees as well. You love both your mom and your grandma but odds are you love your mom more than your grandma (because you have spent much more time with your mom). Anyway, sorry, you probably didn't want a lecture on diction but you got one.

  2. Yes it was definately a retorical question....

  3. Hey sorry when I answered you before Trip I was kind of in a rotten mood. I was definately asking the second question not the first.... :D
