Friday, January 29, 2010

Captain's Log

Captains Log: Sooo much to do and sooo little time!!

A homework situation must be addresed immediately. Homework has piled to alarming wa-zoo rate.
Why does every one coin that term.... What exactly is is a wazoo anyhow?
Someone... get me out of this....
Beam me up Scotty!!!!

As a child growing up some of my fond memories of my families (when my parents where together) was when we'd watch movies all together.

My father is a science fanatic. So usually when my father was home we'd watch things we knew he'd enjoy. So usually we'd watch Star Wars and Star Trek.

I remember when I was younger I was really scared by Star Wars and Star Trek. One of the series in Star Trek is about this caterpillar bug thing what goes into the ears of the commanders and those on board. ...I remember being so grossed and freaked out.

Those where some great memories of all the family....

I'm so excited to see the new Star Trek!!!!! I know it's been out forever but I'm just not interested in seeing it by myself. Unfortunately... most of my friends aren't interested in watching a Star Trek movie. I also didn't really want to watch it with someone who was just going to watch it because they found the main actor attractive. Yes, I've seen the poster and I agree... he is but that's isn't why I'm watching it.

I want to watch it with someone who has scene the episodes.

My favorite character for Star Trek I think is Data.

One of the scenes that has really stuck with me is a scene where Data is on his commanding desk and he starts singing ,"Life forms... little life forms...."

Another scene where Data starts laughing... and I believe it could be the Captain who asks what he is laughing at (Data at this time has received an emotion chip [He's a robot]). Data responded that he has just understood a joke, at which point the Captain says, "Data... that was over ten (perhaps more) years ago..."

A few weeks ago I was flipping through the channels and I came across Star Trek. I had to watch it. My roommates boyfriend walked out of her room and asked me what I was watching. When he realized what it was he started laughing a little then came and sat by me.

Ahh.... Memories.

Bloggers until my next post.... Live long and prosper....

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