Thursday, January 21, 2010


Apparently high heels aren't meant to be worn. It's RIDICULOUS! There shoes? They should be able to be worn like sneakers. Right?

I don't go hiking in them but COME ON. Heels should at least be able to be worn on cement, tar and various other places with out ruining your shoes.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love heels. There a basic necessity. I use to wear them every day but then the weather got horrid... and my backpack always weighs like 20 pounds. No joke... books+laptop=back problems. I'm going to invest in a backpack on wheels but I'll get into that later.

Anyway, so I walk basically every where I go. This includes back and forth to school roughly a ten minute walk but in heels it adds an extra three min because it's harder to walk in heels with another life form on your back.

I also go for walks and various other things cause me to walk. The whole no car situation really helps out the factor.

Manufactures of heels must have decided that girls who wear heels only wear them indoors.... So I am debating to write a note to a high heel company. Businesses should create the ultimate heel. A heel for an on the go girl! Maybe they should use steel heels and then they can be a weapon if necessary.... Although that probably wouldn't be a good selling point. I will also insist they put in better soles in the heels... I usually wear mine out.

Damages to all my heels:

All heels are rubbing off on the area where the heel punctures the ground. This part of the shoe where the plastic covering over the shoe...slowly rolls up. Honestly I don't know how I do it. Actually I do, I just think it's ridiculous that heels aren't meant to be walked in.

My boot heel is starting to actually wiggle on one shoe. I was walking to the library I just noticed it. The heel wiggles! Now I'm might have to carry a spare pair of shoes if I ever decide to wear these again. How lame.... EPIC fail!

I doubt me climbing up a tree or any other epic journey I've done in these boots made any contribution to it's nearly broken stem. *sigh* Lame. I should probably not wear them so much....

Note: I wouldn't suggest climbing in high-heels up a tree.... It's quite hard when climbing but really hard when getting down. I would attest that the jump down was the hardest. I had to land on my toes. I didn't want to break the heel.... I was quite proud of myself because I basically made a perfectly landing. So although it might be satisfactory... I wouldn't suggest it. I'm sure if you don't... your heels will last much longer than mine have.

I actually purchase two pair of boots that are flat upon my mothers request. So I really have been wearing them almost everyday. They are more of a casual look which I like but I don't absolutely love.

...I miss the power that I feel in heels. And now my only heels that I wear in the winter aka: my boots are going to break. Now I won't have very many power days....

My poor beautiful shoes... why must you wear out so fast?

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