Thursday, January 28, 2010

Random Facts

Wow I'm realizing more and more how demanding I am. With blogging I wonder if I'm just sending out vast information and no one is listening... (echo: listening... listening... listening)

Ha ha. I crack myself up.

I was deciding what to post today and I thought I'd write a few things that make me interesting.

So here are a few facts:

-When I go to the bathroom I have to move the curtain so I can see inside the tub. That's right, for some reason I'm worried there is a serial killer standing in my shower.... Lame? I know.

-When I get really nervous or stressed I play with my collar bone. I usually don't recognize it unless someone points it out. However, I've started to do it when when I'm uncomfortable so I recognize when I'm doing it then.

-I have a fear of swiming next to the swimming pool lights by myself. One time when I was little I had a dream that the light was an eye of an alligator and he came out of the pool wall. I swam the whole length of the pool to get away and at the end of the dream, he ate my leg. When I woke up one of my legs was under the covers and I thought it really was gone.... I haven't like the pool lights since.... I know I'm such a baby.

-When I sit I usually have to sit with one of my legs tucked underneath, (so I sit on one of my feet). I even do this in skirts. I've learn how to sit just so, so that I don't have to worry about beng undecent. I remember once I was sitting outside and my brother came up behind me and laughingly said, "I knew it was you way far back because I knew ONLY MY SISTER would sit like that in a skirt!"

-I never really read my text before I send them so most of the time "if"s become "he"s. And various things like that. It drives people crazy....

-I love heels, especially high heeled boots. I wear them all of the time and I litterally kill the heels. (Check out my past blog about my heels dying)

-I use to have my long hair to cover my face, but now it's short so I resort to pulling my shirts to cover my face like a bandit when I'm nervous.

-I hate public bathrooms! I especially hate when the trash can isn't near the door handle. If not I resort to opening the door with my feet (and in heels that's difficult) or with my shirt....

-I sing and dance in stores. It drives some people crazy but I like to do it. Sometimes I do it just so who ever I am with will get really nervous....

Anyway.... that's just a few random facts.


  1. i do the first two too. i also get really nervous when i shower because i'm afraid a serial killer will come in and i won't see them.

    yay us.

  2. Liz! I read your blog (cause I saw it on Kelly's I think)...anyway I love your entertaining posts! I too cover my face with my long hair when I'm nervous and I DEFINITELY sing and dance in stores as well. Or anywhere for that matter. Yay :)

  3. Kelly,
    You are afraid someone will come in while you are showering? Ha ha. That's epic.

    Hooray! I will start following your blog!! :P

  4. i don't know you... but i'm commenting anyway. (:

    i also move the shower curtain to look inside the tub. although i have absolutely no idea what i would possibly do if there was a serial killer waiting for me, so in a lot of ways, i'd probably be better off not looking.

    i also sit with one foot under me - even in skirts. i've learned too. (:

    and i absolutely refuse to touch a public restroom door handle with my hand. gag.

    that's all. (:

  5. Eden,
    ha ha. I love how most people do faces like this: :) and you do them opposite. Brilliant! Way to be unique!
