Tuesday, January 19, 2010


This weekend was BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!

For those of you who don't know me, I basically use "Brilliant" all of the time. It must be exclaimed and not said or stated. This word, my dear friend, requires enthusiasm when stated....

Understand? BRILLIANT!

I spent most of time with my oldest brother David his wife and two kids, my next oldest (can you say that?) brother Matthew and my second oldest sister Heather and her two boys. It was fabulous! My mother actually came down Saturday when passing through to see my stepfather in Tuscan.

Note: I really should do a brief family description at some point so I'm not simply throwing out random names and titles....

Heather brought my laptop down, which my father had happily (well... I'm sure fixing it wasn't very fun but he loves me so he was happy to do it. Thanks Dad! :P )fixed.

I have one of the most amazing family. We aren't perfect but I wouldn't have them any other way! However I might change locations of certain family members. *Cough Becca!*

On a serious note though...
I know that God allowed me to have my family for a reason. I wouldn't be who I am today with out my family or my life experiences. I know often times I think "If only..." but the truth is honestly, I'm glad my life is how it is. Sometimes I wish I didn't stress so much about about everything but... I'm working on it.

I also had a girls night Friday:

-Four Girls

-2 Large Pizzas (Half cheese and half peperoni seeing as Chenelle practices a form of vegetarianism [haha I crack myself up]... I never know all the titles. People who eat this but don't eat that... I just prefer to eat everything. However as a cook I'm a vegetarian. I hate raw meat. Ew....)

-Puffy Cheetos

-Cool Ranch Doritos

-York Pieces (They're new... and amazing.)

-I really didn't partake in the Reeses Pieces because I have to be in the mood for peanut butter stuff. I use to not like peanut butter at all but now I'm really starting to like it.

-And NO Boys

It was exactly what I needed!

Anyone who knows me really well, knows that I am completely and utterly boy crazy. Often times I get all caught up in trying to impress guys and blaaa... blaaaa.... It's nice to remind myself that the world doesn't revolve around guys.


  1. You're fantastic. I'm so excited to read your blog all the time now and find out all the rest of what makes you so....brilliant! I love your guts!

  2. Girls nights are amazing.
    I've needed alot of them lately.
    I had one last night--perogie party with 5 episodes of lost. No texting boys, no talking about boys, and no thinking about how much my life sucks in the boy dept right now:)

  3. Becky,
    ha ha. I love your guts to! Thanks for tonight!

    Yeah the boy department... really is down past the basement...
