Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wendy's Razor: Want Fries With That?

Kelli Jean, "Yeah I was wondering why there was a Wendy's spoon in the bathroom....

Through my entire life I've learned to "Make do"... hence the blog title. Growing up in a small town you simply have to figure out what to do with what you have.

I'm sure Wendy's never thought their spoons would be used in a manner quite like this. I know it looks strange but I assure you it works wonders! The plastic makes it very flexible.
I know.... I'm basically BRILLIANT!

A while back on a Saturday I decided I was tired of investing in plastic cheap razors. Seeing as I shave basically everyday, I determined it was time to invest in a great fabulous razor. Have you ever realized that guys razors work considerably better than women's razors? It's true, therefore I invested in a guys razor.

I did so and I have loved it. However last time I went to the fabulous world of WalMart, I bought the wrong razor set. That's right I went to put the razor replacement onto my new razor and found out it was the wrong size. A perfect... nonfit.

While sitting on the floor in my room starting at the razor heads and sunk my hair in near defeat. Sunday was the next morning and I wanted a fresh, sharp razor to shave my legs. This didn't seem possible.

I again glared at the razor open package and considered a few possibilities. I could attempt to shave my legs by holding on to the small razor but that didn't seem very plausible.

I looked again at the razor very carefully and a brilliant thought popped into my mind. The opening of the razor was the perfect size for the end of a utensil. Ah I am indeed brilliant. Immediately I decided I didn't want to use a real spoon in fear that it would rust. Also it would be weird to eat with a spoon that I also used to help shave my legs.... Right? Right.

At that moment in time I remembered that I had a spare plastic spoon from Wendy's. Seriously, I love fast food. It's one of my major weaknesses.

So I first opened a Wendy's spoon from it's wrapper but it was slightly too loose. After a few times of trying to shave my legs at it always falling off I decided I needed a few extra millimeters.

Then I realized if I got another spoon and kept the wrapper on it, it would be the perfect fit.

So currently I have an awesome razor. I should have done this long before and not even invested in a guys razor. If I would have know this, I would have been using Wendy's Utensil Razors a long time ago.

Just remember fellow bloggers... learn how to make do!


  1. Look at you go!
    You're just like my dad. My dad does stuff like this all the time.
    That is pretty funny I'm not going to lie. Nice work lady!

  2. I thought it was pretty epic! :)
