Tuesday, May 4, 2010



Today my brother and I drove home in his beautiful mustang.

We actually tried to go home on Sunday put we got stuck in the snow. Can you believe it, there was a blizzard in May? Sesh*

The trip today was GORGEOUS. We took off the top of the car and had a jolly good time. My arms are tinted a shade darker and there is this awesome sun burn on my left knee where my pants have this gigantic hole. ...BRILLIANT :D

MMMmmm... I love being home!

I haven't blogged for awhile so let's do a short recap.

I turned in my last final, had a billion things to do but I finished. Hooray!

I nearly got ran over by a car.... Not kidding. I was on my way to a grocery store (Guess what I was getting? Icecream! :P) from apartment and had to cross the street. When I grabbed a flag and waved it around traffic slowed and a big GIGANTIC truck stopped and I started to cross the first two lanes. As I made it past the front of the truck I seriously was missed by a speedy car in the lane next to it. I screamed and jumped back slightly. Not kidding it was inches away. If I would have been one step further ahead I would have been seriously injured. Tons of cars started hunking at the idiot who had been driving and traffic just stopped.

...Yeah apparently Heavenly Father loves me. :D

I stayed up late all night packing... Sick! I hate moving ,but on top of that... I hate unpacking. Why? Because usually I'm in such a rush to pack that I throw everything in randomly. So I end up unpacking and thinking to myself, "Now why would I have put my Halloween stuff with my bathroom stuff?"

I finish packing and cleaned my apartment. My apartment manager couldn't check me out right away because I hadn't printed off my paper. Sucky... so I wait for about an hour and then I decided since I hadn't been checked out I therefore, still lived in the apartment and could take a shower. Of course, as soon as I started he came.

So I quickly wriggled into my jeans and jumped out. It was cute because the manager was using his hand to cup over his eyes because apparently he thought I walked out in my towel of something. After informing him I was dressed we discussed what was needed. I know this is a random thought... but I hope my husband does stuff like that. Well he better... or else. ha ha.

I helped a friend and then headed to Deb's at two in the morning or so...

I slept in and my niece was so cute. When I woke up she immediately hopped on the bed and exclaimed, "Time to play! Let's play spies!!!!" My nephew followed her and said, "Wizabets... WAKE UP."

To which I squinted my eyes and mumbled, "let me wake up first...." She then proceeded to play with my hair and kind of rub my back. How sweet huh?

I ended up trying to play spies and bed in hope to rest my eyes... I hid under the blanket informing I was "fixing the ship." Ha ha. Too bad that only worked for awhile.

Then I had the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Just know I sold tickets for a hunting banquet. I was paid in the percentage of what I sold. It was good!!!!

I earned some nice money but I was really upset because the other girl did better than I did....

Oh well... nice slice of humble pie I suppose.

Can you believe it?

It's the summer time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BooYa!


  1. Liz im so happy that truck didnt hit you!!! and you and those round random sun burns im so glad you do this so i will be able to keep in touch i miss your smiling face already!! Say hi to cedar city for me love ya!!

  2. Me to :) Luckily the world wide web is awesome...

    I miss your smiling face as well!

  3. "...Apparently Heavenly Father loves me..."

    Lizzy dear... Heavenly Father DOES love you ;)

    And since you are going to be here this summer, we need to play. This is not a request. This is an order :)
