Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I want to be Ariel!!!

My last couple of posts have been more serious so I think I'll tone it down for this one. :D

Disney Princesses:

Even though I'm a tad bit (extremely) indecisive I have a favorite. My favorite Princess is... (drum roll)

Ariel wins hands down! It's more than she is a mermaid.... Ariel is adventurous, kind, curious, a people watcher, a dreamer....

I think Ariel and I have similar personalities... and I've always thought she was so beautiful (but so are all the princesses). If I didn't have blond hair, I'd want rich red like Ariel's hair.

I always would swim like a mermaid when I was younger and... -whisper- I still do. I miss being able to do the "typical Ariel move" and throw my long hair over my face when I escape out of the water.... (If your a girl you'll understand what I'm trying to say.)

I know I'm a little kid at heart... but I want to be Ariel....

Here is an analysis I found on the web:

A Character Analysis of Ariel
Ariel is beautiful and charming, but she also has many flaws. She's naive, impulsive, and easily swept away by her emotions. She repeatedly disobeys her father, risks her life on several occasions, and falls in love with Prince Eric on sight.She hardly knows anything about Eric or the human world when she decides to become a human herself. This would be risky enough without entering into a dangerous bargain with Ursula, who will enslave Ariel if the mermaid doesn't succeed in winning Eric's love within three days.

And yet for all her faults, she still charms everyone around her. She is King Triton's favorite daughter, and she has loyal friends who will do anything for her. Ariel looks at the world with wonder and excitement; she sees the beauty around her and delights in it. It is perhaps these very qualities (along with her beauty) that make people fall in love with her

So maybe I'm not completely like her but I think we are similar in some ways.... And I really want to be her!!! :D


I've always loved Cinderella. Cinderella has been amoung my few nicknames... My manager's brother started calling me Cinderella and soon my manager was. They still call me Cinderella and I've always been fond of the nickname....

I love Cinderella's positive attitude and her work ethic. Her story is if you work hard and keep your spirit up, your dreams can "come true".


Oh Meg how I love you! Meg has spirit, spunk and... ATTITUDE. I love her personality, voice and "womanliness". Come on you have to admit it... Meg is sexy....

When I watched it when I was younger I developed the side hip pop because of her. To this day I can not stand erect... I usually pop my hip out...

Let's hope some day I can learn to be "sexy" like Meg... ha ha.


Okay so some of you might argue that she isn't a princess.... But I love her. Tink has attitude as well. She is emotional... and she expresses herself. She is the best friend to the "prince", Peter Pan, which usually is my role. Don't you hate when you like someone and you end up "just being friends"?

I'm actually told I look like a "Tinkerbell" or a "pixie" quite a bit. I think it's just because of my hair do... who knows....

Those are a few of my favorites...

Who is your favorite? Which Disney Princess do you want to be?
Or if your a guy... which prince is your favorite or which Disney character would you date?

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