Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"I have to be Jell-O!"

I'm starting to go slightly crazy....

You see I'm at my home town where the population is roughly one-hundred and eighty individuals. The ratio my age is basically zip.

My brother is leaving me today. :( So I when I'm staying up until two in the morning I will have no one to talk to or watch movies with.... sad day.

Last night we watched a movie with the following quote: "I have to be Jell-O!" Can you guess it?

I was surprised my brother watched it... basically nothing else was on. I'm usually not in the mood for chick flicks but I wanted to watch this one... maybe it's because it has a slightly sad ending. Ha ha.

That sounds rather depressing doesn't it.? It's not that I don't like love, I love love. And it seems as though in the spring and summer everyone is obsessed with love.

For example isn't everyone's friends getting married? I swear all my friends are.... ha ha.

I was talking to a friend on facebook. They were going off about how they thought they were exclusive with someone but the other person didn't think they were.... bla bla bla. I continued to console them telling them what they wanted to hear but finally I decided they needed to recognize the problem they faced....

They have been making the same errors since I've known them. So I gave them a lecture. I think I'm still in lecture mode and I'm bored cause the weather is crappy... so I'm going to explain my "relationship 101".

(Feel free to skip it if you wish... ha ha)

As I've talked to people I've realized the reasons why so many problems occur is due to different definitions and expectations....

For example:
Q) What is dating? Going on dates with a lot of different people or being exclusive with one person?
A) Going on dates with various individuals....

Then there arises the problems of expectations in relationships, whether it's marriage or just dating someone exclusively.

To me having a boyfriend means:

  • They only date/kiss me
  • They'll hold my hand and give affection to me in public

(of course there are others but I can't think of any thing...)

But to others it might mean you move in together.

So as I'm sure you know... everyone thinks differently. Therefore, if someone wanted to be my boyfriend and worded in a way such as, "Do you want to date me?" I would think they meant dates and so I'd say something like, "I thought we all ready were...."

So now this guy would think we were exclusive and I would think we were only "dating". Problematic eh?

The reason why there are so many problems with even dating people is because we fail to communicate what we are thinking....

Don't worry I do to.... No actually I'm the master. ha ha. Yeah right....

Anyhow, now that I've rambled on.

What do you think? What are some of your definitions or expectations....

What have you learned recently? Don't worry it does have to be "romantic" knowledge.... :D

By the way even though my recent poll suggest Superman is better than Batman, I disagree. If you compare it to the comic versions....

Batman can be a hero with out super powers! Superman is basically indestructable.... Batman truely has to fight hard in his battles. However if it was a question as to who I'd date... maybe I'd say Superman because he can fly and... I wouldn't have to worry about him so much. Ha ha...


  1. My Best Friend's Wedding...One of my faves.

    Oh, and I completely agree with the dating deffinition confusion (hereafter referred to as DDC). Despite the fact I recognize DDC as a real problem, I don't have any answers to the problem of DDC and think the only way to resolve DDC is multiple DTRs. Nobody really enjoys a DTR, so instead we just focus on our DDC until we suffer from OCD. So...good luck with your DDC. If you figure it out, let me know so I don't have to go through the OCD and DTRs with anyone I ever "date."

    Love you lots,
    PS...CTR. ;)

  2. ha ha. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about anything specifically rihght now. ha ha.

    I love you!

  3. dude. batman totally PWNS superman in any size shape and form. end.of.story.

  4. Lol. I agree but like I said with dating if you dated Superman it might be easier to not worry about him...

    But I'd most likely still date Batman if I had a choice. If I didn't heck I'd just be happy to date a superhero.... ha ha

  5. I would much rather watch Batman but it is obvious that Superman could kick the crap out of Batman every second of every day. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1884973
    This video illustrates it. Part of the problem with dating is that until you have communicated something, you cannot make assumptions about it. Also, girls are just teases.

  6. Guys play girls just as much as girls do. And usually if a girl is a "tease" as you say... everyone knows it.... However with boys if they are players they act like "good guys" (usually).

    ha ha...

    At least in MY opinion... ha ha
