Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I've always loved psychology.... Why do humans interact and behave as they do?

Why do you hear people say things such as, "I'm fat!" or , "My life sucks..."? We want pity....

How do we alter our behaviors attitudes when we are in public?

Do you pick your nose? Do you pick your nose in public?

How does each individual alter their personality due to their surroundings and social settings?

How different are you in comparison to your family vs. your friends?

How is it that we allow ourselves to be conditioned to react in certain ways?

Why is it that when we hear that scream, that door slam, that silent treatment it causes us to flip a mental switch with out even thinking?

How much are we learning to control ourselves... our tempers...?

Are we controlling ourselves or are we allowing our selves to be conditioned?

Are we blaming others for our reactions? Even though it is ourselves and only ourselves that controll our actions. How then does it seem as though others determine our happiness? How come every time "Joe Smoe" says something, doesn't like me, or brags I feel bad?


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