Sunday, May 30, 2010

You know the double handshake

First off...

I bought a car.... I HAVE A CAR.... SHE'S MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I still find it hard to believe. I woke up today and looked at her in the drive way, admiring her beautiful sleek body and realized... I truely am an official car OWNER. Woot woot!

Don't worry I'll post photos when I can.

Seeing as I don't have insurance I won't be driving her untill Tuesday... but still she is MINE. I just need to name her.

I wen to a car auction and made a silent bid on the car not really thinking the buyer would take it. Neither did my father.... oh well. Then the sales rep came up and told my brother and I that we both... HAD CARS. Brilliant!

The co-owner, who I might add was very attractive (too bad he smokes) of the place came up and congradulated me telling me he had to double check everything because he didn't think the owner would go for so low, but sure enough... the car was MINE. He did the double hand shake thing and I excitedly pumped his arm up and down maybe a tad too vigerously.

You know the double handshake... when they over lap their second hand over yours (while the handshake is occuring) for extra reassurance, closeness or something. AAah ha.... I usually find leaders, salesmen or guys use this tactic.

I particularly find this hillarious when guys really try to use it to their advantage and then stare into your eyes and say something like, "It's really good to meet you." Ha ha. or they will repeat your name kind of slowly like, "Lllliiizzz hmm..." I don't know why they do it. Do they really think your having a deep connection? Apparently they are trying to create one or maybe my name is just really hard to pronounce or memorize....

Ha ha... I give them credit it for them for at least trying... unless of course they come off creepy... lol

So I danced around for a bit inside and gave a litle hoot. Then I proceeded to head outside and scream a good "Wooo hooo!" A few people gave strange stares. The owner teased me and laughed. Dad was was in a state of shock. My neice and nephew started dacing with me..... People continued to stare, but I didn't care I had a car... so


I screamed again and continued dancing.

I still can't believe it. I HAVE A CAR! I AM INDEPENDANT!

...Too bad I have no more money. Ha ha.... lol. I laugh but inwardly I'm crying.... HA Ha!

If you ever have to buy a car... go to a car auction! You'll get a screaming deal!

Friday, May 28, 2010


  1. First off... man looking for a car.... I'm telling you the process sucks. I get all hyped up and then frustrated..... Ha ha. But over all I'm still psyched! :D
  2. I have to arrange several hang outs while I'm North. The problem is I'm not feeling too terrific. Oh well... hopefully I'll get better soon. It's also problematic because I still am lacking transportation... UG! So asking someone to drive clear down to get me is always slightly frustrating.... alas....
  3. My nephews are crazy. Waking up at 6:00 am is NO way to live.... Okay it's true I've been sleeping in but I hear them. lol. Tomorrow I'll have to wake up early.... too bad.
  4. Car auction tomorrow! Woot! Possible car? Maybe...
  5. Now for some sleep...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

1, 2, 3...

First look at this happy picture....

Ha ha... I love it!


Watch this music video... it's EPIC.... I love it!


Tell me what song I should learn on the guitar. You know preferably something that will make any guy swoon.

Ha ha... Ah ha.... -wipes tear- I crack myself up....

Friday, May 21, 2010

Waiting for the New Arrival (whether old or new)

I flew a kite today with my mother. Can I just say I have the best mother in the entire planet! (Okay let's not argue... but -whisper: mine's the best...- )

The search is going on for a car... very slowly but surely. I've looked at a few cars (I can count them on one hand). Each car I think to myself "I WANT IT!!!!"

There is this beauty... 2003 Dodge Stratus.... She's in desperate need for some love and a paint job. I've really been thinking she's going to be mine but I figure I need to check out other cars. Let's pray all works well... and if it's ment to be she wont be sold if I decide she's the one.

As soon as i buy a car I'm going to name it. I've considered a few possiblities. Hey, it's like when you have a kid, you consider some options beore you make the final decision.

However I'm sure when I see it, I'll know what to call the little guy/girl.

My laptop is a girl and her name is Baby. Yeah like off of dirty dancing.

I'm very protective of her. For example I hate when people use her.... I know isn't that horrid I shouldn't be so over protective, but I am. I don't like they eat or drink near her.... Okay let's be honest I have slight panic attacks when people pick Baby up.

When you put your own hard worked money into something... you become very attached. Well, at least I do.

I'm going to be oober protective of my car.... I've always had the rule that I don't drive other peoples cars... you can be assured no one will drive my car but me. And if I have to immediate family. Ha ha...

OH MAN.... I'm so excited!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"Cause Your Nose Is Up..."

The last few months I've been obsessed with this song....

I believe to a certain extend as humans we are all a bit narcissistic...
I know I am. I try not to be... but I am....

Friday, May 14, 2010


A lot of times I feel like I'm wearing ballet shoes? I doubt you'll understand what I mean but... that's how I'm going to describe it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I want to be Ariel!!!

My last couple of posts have been more serious so I think I'll tone it down for this one. :D

Disney Princesses:

Even though I'm a tad bit (extremely) indecisive I have a favorite. My favorite Princess is... (drum roll)

Ariel wins hands down! It's more than she is a mermaid.... Ariel is adventurous, kind, curious, a people watcher, a dreamer....

I think Ariel and I have similar personalities... and I've always thought she was so beautiful (but so are all the princesses). If I didn't have blond hair, I'd want rich red like Ariel's hair.

I always would swim like a mermaid when I was younger and... -whisper- I still do. I miss being able to do the "typical Ariel move" and throw my long hair over my face when I escape out of the water.... (If your a girl you'll understand what I'm trying to say.)

I know I'm a little kid at heart... but I want to be Ariel....

Here is an analysis I found on the web:

A Character Analysis of Ariel
Ariel is beautiful and charming, but she also has many flaws. She's naive, impulsive, and easily swept away by her emotions. She repeatedly disobeys her father, risks her life on several occasions, and falls in love with Prince Eric on sight.She hardly knows anything about Eric or the human world when she decides to become a human herself. This would be risky enough without entering into a dangerous bargain with Ursula, who will enslave Ariel if the mermaid doesn't succeed in winning Eric's love within three days.

And yet for all her faults, she still charms everyone around her. She is King Triton's favorite daughter, and she has loyal friends who will do anything for her. Ariel looks at the world with wonder and excitement; she sees the beauty around her and delights in it. It is perhaps these very qualities (along with her beauty) that make people fall in love with her

So maybe I'm not completely like her but I think we are similar in some ways.... And I really want to be her!!! :D


I've always loved Cinderella. Cinderella has been amoung my few nicknames... My manager's brother started calling me Cinderella and soon my manager was. They still call me Cinderella and I've always been fond of the nickname....

I love Cinderella's positive attitude and her work ethic. Her story is if you work hard and keep your spirit up, your dreams can "come true".


Oh Meg how I love you! Meg has spirit, spunk and... ATTITUDE. I love her personality, voice and "womanliness". Come on you have to admit it... Meg is sexy....

When I watched it when I was younger I developed the side hip pop because of her. To this day I can not stand erect... I usually pop my hip out...

Let's hope some day I can learn to be "sexy" like Meg... ha ha.


Okay so some of you might argue that she isn't a princess.... But I love her. Tink has attitude as well. She is emotional... and she expresses herself. She is the best friend to the "prince", Peter Pan, which usually is my role. Don't you hate when you like someone and you end up "just being friends"?

I'm actually told I look like a "Tinkerbell" or a "pixie" quite a bit. I think it's just because of my hair do... who knows....

Those are a few of my favorites...

Who is your favorite? Which Disney Princess do you want to be?
Or if your a guy... which prince is your favorite or which Disney character would you date?


I've always loved psychology.... Why do humans interact and behave as they do?

Why do you hear people say things such as, "I'm fat!" or , "My life sucks..."? We want pity....

How do we alter our behaviors attitudes when we are in public?

Do you pick your nose? Do you pick your nose in public?

How does each individual alter their personality due to their surroundings and social settings?

How different are you in comparison to your family vs. your friends?

How is it that we allow ourselves to be conditioned to react in certain ways?

Why is it that when we hear that scream, that door slam, that silent treatment it causes us to flip a mental switch with out even thinking?

How much are we learning to control ourselves... our tempers...?

Are we controlling ourselves or are we allowing our selves to be conditioned?

Are we blaming others for our reactions? Even though it is ourselves and only ourselves that controll our actions. How then does it seem as though others determine our happiness? How come every time "Joe Smoe" says something, doesn't like me, or brags I feel bad?


can't wait....

The weather at my home town has been quite dreary. It hasn't been exceptionally over cast but due to the fact that ITS SUMMER... I'm holding the weather to a higher standard.

My brother is still here, which is nice. Yesterday he didn't go because of the weather and today he is staying longer because his car had some problems. Sad for him but good for me. It was actually an awesome miracle because something bad would have happened if my brother wouldn't have come back for a simple problem.

Speaking of cars... I'm in the market so if you live in Utah and you're trying to sell one...

Contact: (Me) Liz at

I'm not going to be very picky for this first car. However I've been saving my whole life so hopefully I'll be able to get a pretty awesome rockin' car. :)

I try to catalogue each year before it begins and figure out roughly how much I can spend in each area. I've sorted my money into many sections... school, housing, food, tithing, can't touch savings (which has been saving up for my car, next it will be for a laptop or an epic trip....), special/fun fund (ie clothes and on rare occasions fast food because I'd prefer to spend it on something more worthwhile ).... Sometimes I mess up so the money usually gets pulled from my special/fun fund or my food fund. I know... probably taking it from the food one isn't that great. Ha ha.

I started babysitting when I was ten years old and basically became our towns babysitter. Oh man... fun times. Unfortunately because I've babysat so long I often go into this "mother" mode around other parents children including my siblings. Sometimes this mode gets me into trouble. I've been trying to remind myself that I can be the "Fun Aunt". So I'm recognizing that I can give them the cookie before dinner or lunch because I'm just that "cool" and "fun". :D

Then I started a job when I was about fifteen.... (Now your reading this ... bla bla bla... okay let's skip ahead)

And now at long last while balancing school and life expenses I can get a car. A CAR!!!! I can't wait to pay for my car and know it's mine and I worked HARD to get it... and it will be MINE. And if I want I will be able to drive home or drive to a grocery store and get icecream on bad days.... I can do anything.... I can....

I can be TRUELY INDEPENDANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woot Woot!!!

So far this is my criteria for purchasing my car:
  • Good gas mileage
  • Nonsmoking car, which I believe will be possible since I'm in Utah
  • Heater
  • Air conditioner
  • Radio (if possible), which I'm sure it will

I've also decided I'll have a few rules in my car. Some of which will include:

  • I will park at the end of the parking lot. I always hate when people drive to the front... just to drive to the back of the lot. Also it will make sure I don't become too lazy.
  • Everyone in my car will wear a seat belt and I will not move until they are buckled. I have several friends who have developed this policy. I think it's great.
  • I will not drive every day to school. I think I'll only give myself two driving days out of the five...
  • As long as people ask me to go places and I'm going there I won't charge them. Many people have driven me around since I haven't had a car... and I've appreciated it IMMENSELY! So as long as people don't take advantage of me... I'll help them out. (speaking of which I owe two girls money... crap!)

By the way I can't wait untill my job starts!!!! Woot woot! My job is basically awesome and my manager is a fantastic individual. Don't you love when people actually care about you? And get this he worked with me so I was able to come back this summer! Fantatastic concept isn't it! I love my job and USF! :D

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"I have to be Jell-O!"

I'm starting to go slightly crazy....

You see I'm at my home town where the population is roughly one-hundred and eighty individuals. The ratio my age is basically zip.

My brother is leaving me today. :( So I when I'm staying up until two in the morning I will have no one to talk to or watch movies with.... sad day.

Last night we watched a movie with the following quote: "I have to be Jell-O!" Can you guess it?

I was surprised my brother watched it... basically nothing else was on. I'm usually not in the mood for chick flicks but I wanted to watch this one... maybe it's because it has a slightly sad ending. Ha ha.

That sounds rather depressing doesn't it.? It's not that I don't like love, I love love. And it seems as though in the spring and summer everyone is obsessed with love.

For example isn't everyone's friends getting married? I swear all my friends are.... ha ha.

I was talking to a friend on facebook. They were going off about how they thought they were exclusive with someone but the other person didn't think they were.... bla bla bla. I continued to console them telling them what they wanted to hear but finally I decided they needed to recognize the problem they faced....

They have been making the same errors since I've known them. So I gave them a lecture. I think I'm still in lecture mode and I'm bored cause the weather is crappy... so I'm going to explain my "relationship 101".

(Feel free to skip it if you wish... ha ha)

As I've talked to people I've realized the reasons why so many problems occur is due to different definitions and expectations....

For example:
Q) What is dating? Going on dates with a lot of different people or being exclusive with one person?
A) Going on dates with various individuals....

Then there arises the problems of expectations in relationships, whether it's marriage or just dating someone exclusively.

To me having a boyfriend means:

  • They only date/kiss me
  • They'll hold my hand and give affection to me in public

(of course there are others but I can't think of any thing...)

But to others it might mean you move in together.

So as I'm sure you know... everyone thinks differently. Therefore, if someone wanted to be my boyfriend and worded in a way such as, "Do you want to date me?" I would think they meant dates and so I'd say something like, "I thought we all ready were...."

So now this guy would think we were exclusive and I would think we were only "dating". Problematic eh?

The reason why there are so many problems with even dating people is because we fail to communicate what we are thinking....

Don't worry I do to.... No actually I'm the master. ha ha. Yeah right....

Anyhow, now that I've rambled on.

What do you think? What are some of your definitions or expectations....

What have you learned recently? Don't worry it does have to be "romantic" knowledge.... :D

By the way even though my recent poll suggest Superman is better than Batman, I disagree. If you compare it to the comic versions....

Batman can be a hero with out super powers! Superman is basically indestructable.... Batman truely has to fight hard in his battles. However if it was a question as to who I'd date... maybe I'd say Superman because he can fly and... I wouldn't have to worry about him so much. Ha ha...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

"So I Could Only Whistle...."

I've been wanting to get a bracelet or an anklet that I would wear all the time. A small trinket that would remind me of what's important and who I am....

So I've finally decided what I want to get. Let me first start by saying if you steal my idea you'll wish you hadn't.... Okay not really but think of something that truely represent you not my idea....

I want to get an anklet that has a charm similar to one of these photos... but I want everything to be silver and I want it to be dark metalic silver so it looks kind of rustic. So maybe I should just get metal....

This might sound completely strange to you.

"Errr... Liz why do you want a tooth anklet?"

I'm not going to tell you and if you think you know... don't say why.

To sum it up:
Basically this simple image represents to live in the moment and to be satisfied, content, HAPPY and ENTHUSIASTIC where ever I'm at in life... no matter what.

Anyhow I want to make or buy it REALLY BAD. So currently it's on my wish list.... However, so is a leather jacket but ha ha... that's not going to happen for a long time. lol. But this... this I can do.

:D What's something on your "realistic" wish list?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Big Black Horse

Man I will seriously die if my kids are morning children. Today my two nephews got up at 6:00 am. Ridiculous! I watched them the whole day. It was quite fun but I'm telling you the couple hours of sleep I had was not at all sufficient.

I know I know... it's my fault for staying up so late.

I don't know how mother's do it. I was trying to deep clean and watch a seven year old (7? Hmm... I'm a horrible Aunt) and a nearly two year old. Aaack.... It was driving me crazy.... I love kids and I love watching them... I only need two more eyes and two more arms. :D

I've been thinking about this summer and I have a few more things to add to my summer list:

  • Go to Lagoon at night whether on a date or with a group of people
  • Make an epic trip some where
  • Learn "Big black horse and a cherry tree"
  • (Drat! I just forgot my list)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010



Today my brother and I drove home in his beautiful mustang.

We actually tried to go home on Sunday put we got stuck in the snow. Can you believe it, there was a blizzard in May? Sesh*

The trip today was GORGEOUS. We took off the top of the car and had a jolly good time. My arms are tinted a shade darker and there is this awesome sun burn on my left knee where my pants have this gigantic hole. ...BRILLIANT :D

MMMmmm... I love being home!

I haven't blogged for awhile so let's do a short recap.

I turned in my last final, had a billion things to do but I finished. Hooray!

I nearly got ran over by a car.... Not kidding. I was on my way to a grocery store (Guess what I was getting? Icecream! :P) from apartment and had to cross the street. When I grabbed a flag and waved it around traffic slowed and a big GIGANTIC truck stopped and I started to cross the first two lanes. As I made it past the front of the truck I seriously was missed by a speedy car in the lane next to it. I screamed and jumped back slightly. Not kidding it was inches away. If I would have been one step further ahead I would have been seriously injured. Tons of cars started hunking at the idiot who had been driving and traffic just stopped.

...Yeah apparently Heavenly Father loves me. :D

I stayed up late all night packing... Sick! I hate moving ,but on top of that... I hate unpacking. Why? Because usually I'm in such a rush to pack that I throw everything in randomly. So I end up unpacking and thinking to myself, "Now why would I have put my Halloween stuff with my bathroom stuff?"

I finish packing and cleaned my apartment. My apartment manager couldn't check me out right away because I hadn't printed off my paper. Sucky... so I wait for about an hour and then I decided since I hadn't been checked out I therefore, still lived in the apartment and could take a shower. Of course, as soon as I started he came.

So I quickly wriggled into my jeans and jumped out. It was cute because the manager was using his hand to cup over his eyes because apparently he thought I walked out in my towel of something. After informing him I was dressed we discussed what was needed. I know this is a random thought... but I hope my husband does stuff like that. Well he better... or else. ha ha.

I helped a friend and then headed to Deb's at two in the morning or so...

I slept in and my niece was so cute. When I woke up she immediately hopped on the bed and exclaimed, "Time to play! Let's play spies!!!!" My nephew followed her and said, "Wizabets... WAKE UP."

To which I squinted my eyes and mumbled, "let me wake up first...." She then proceeded to play with my hair and kind of rub my back. How sweet huh?

I ended up trying to play spies and bed in hope to rest my eyes... I hid under the blanket informing I was "fixing the ship." Ha ha. Too bad that only worked for awhile.

Then I had the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Just know I sold tickets for a hunting banquet. I was paid in the percentage of what I sold. It was good!!!!

I earned some nice money but I was really upset because the other girl did better than I did....

Oh well... nice slice of humble pie I suppose.

Can you believe it?

It's the summer time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BooYa!