Tuesday, October 12, 2010


People probably assume I'm narcissistic because I blog so much.... I just like to express my thoughts... so yes, OKAY... maybe it's a tad narcissistic.

However, you don't have to read, if you don't want to. :P

The other day I was discussing stereotypes with a group of people. Isn't it fascinating that due to media we have set images of "beauty" yet, we all complain they are unattainable. If we are upset with the definitions, why do we reinforce the fake images portrayed?

Most likely we don't betray the media standard, because we don't really believe they are fake.... We tell our friends that beauty is one thing while we hold ourselves to a different standard.

I've watched others, including myself, pick themselves apart to shreds.


Perhaps because as a general rule the human race is never satisfied. If it's cold, we want it hot and vice-versa.

When we look in the mirror... what is it we see? Or do we refuse to look at ourselves in the mirror...

Are we hiding?

I have the tendency to get absorbed with the troubles around me and try to take on the world. Then I ignore the other issues and I pull away from people.... I think it's an innate characteristic of a lot of people....

So I pull away and then I retract.

Guess what... I'M OVER IT

(the only thing I don't really like about this video is the guitar under that water. I can't help but cringe... poor lovely guitar.... Put isn't George just adorable... I know he's a cartoon but still... :P)

Love these two...

1 comment:

  1. who thinks you're narcissistic because you blog? that's stupid.
