Sunday, July 18, 2010

-whisper- just plain crap

Currently I'm just killing some time before I head over to celebrate my niece's Birthday. She is eight now! Crazy!

Today has been a lovely Sunday. I woke up late but I was only five minutes late. So I'm getting better at sucking it up if I don't get ready all the way....

So cough *I'm totally not finishing getting ready to go to my nieces Birthday party* Okay okay... I am. But come on! They'll be taking pictures.

My life has been fairly uneventful. So I've really got to change things and shake stuff up. I'm starting to feel a little crazy and bored....

Last night I hung out with a group of friends and we just chit-chatted until the wee hours of the morning. While we talking I was playing with one of my friends Ipod touch aps. It was this awesome chart that would play music depending on what boxes you highlighted. Some of the technological stuff they come up with is truly fascinating.

I went on a hike to a short canyon up by the bike trials (up here in Cedar) this week. It was nice and then we had lunch. I'm going through the sheep tunnels this coming week with someone, so that will be exciting. I also plan on talking to the major about the lighthouse ASAP, the problem is my work schedule sucks to figure out an information. Oh well, where there is a will there is a way. :D

I'm getting my hair cut so I'm excited for that.

Work is going swell. I sold quite a bit of jewelry yesterday, so I was rather pleased. I've been receiving some nice compliments, so that always fantastic.

My room is still a complete disaster. I've started cleaning thousands of times and then I find a way to better distract myself. The problem is I have too much crap for this small space. The problem is... my room really isn't even that small. It just has NO closet space. So I don't know where to stick anything so I'm STILL not yet completely unpacked.... And I have more stuff.... lame.

I have to sort through my clothes. I have all of these hand-me-downs that people have given me over the years that really aren't my style so i don't really wear them. The problem is I'm too cheap to actually pay for a wardrobe I really like.... Thus, I'm sure my wardrobe will always be part me, part not.

Closets are interesting things. People keep clothes they don't like for reasons they don't really understand or know. They keep Birthday shirts and Christmas sweaters they don't like because "So and so gave it to them." They keep articles of clothing that don't fit because perhaps one day "they'll fit into them again". I have this theory that maybe my torso will shrink so I can fit into some of my old clothes again....

Then you have people like me who are pack rats.
  • We keep papers from high school because... well you don't really know why
  • Study guides from college because maybe someday when your in your career you'll think, "Ah yes I wrote a paper on that... hmm... what year was that... Where did I put it?" -Cough: Yeah right-
  • Little trinkets we played with when we were kids because well they have so many memories attached to them
  • A broken camera someone gave you,which you keep hoping will magically work so you won't have to invest your own money into
  • Old makeup that you'll use "someday", since you paid x amount of dollars and someday you'll use it for Halloween or something
  • A curling iron because maybe someday you'll grown your hair out again
  • And some -whisper- just plain crap. I mean... er treasures :D

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