Monday, November 1, 2010


( so I realized this didn't post a few days ago when I wrote it)

This last week has been rather fantastic. Granted it had that downer when I found out about my car... but as they say, "the show must go on!"

This last week consisted of procrastination and staying up later than was needful. It also provided some fantastic "me" time.


The weekend was filled with friends, dancing, dressing up and fires.

Don't you love Birthdays and Halloween?!?

I didn't dress up on Saturday but in my heart I was. I ended up heading up to a couch burning event, which turned out to be quite epic! At the end I met a lot of people and for the first time experienced a HUGE campfire marshmallow. I'm telling you, they are ginormous. (It's been on my to do list for awhile.... :P I strongly suggest you all try it!)

This coming week I need to buckle down on some serious homework as well as my resume' and fill out internship papers. I most likely will not be attending SUU next semester so.... EEEEeekkk! I need to prepare for all the extra work that is starting to get thrown on me.

Decisions... decisions....

Sometimes it's rough becoming an adult. I'm always worried I'm giong to make a wrong choice and it will cause a huge mistake....

Speaking of being an adult, I've been 22 for a few days now. Shesh! I'm ancient! ha ha... Yeah yeah... don't rub it in. :P

1 comment:

  1. Haha the grown up world gets worse with age.
    boo. Seriously. It's not easier at 24.
