Wednesday, February 23, 2011



1) I discovered I kicked some wonderful gluteus maximus, medius and minimus on my test in Mass Comm Theory. Heck yes, I'm fantastic!
  • I feel like bragging... so guess what... TOP SCORE
  • I know you're all lionizing me right now :P (Don't worry it's just my word of the day and I hadn't use it yet. I'm really not that cocky... okay maybe I am ;P )

2) I finished my presentation for Ad Strategies...
  • Boo Yah!
  • I also realized I think I would quite like to teach college students. Oh no... ha ha

3) Sadly I feel SICK... BOOOOO!!!! Why do I always seem to get sick, ESPECIALLY when I'm under stress?
  • What's that you say?
  • Oh they go hand in hand? Alas... such an unfortunate predicament.... I hate germs....
  • Booo... I need some orange juice and someone to hold me...
  • It's okay though, class is done and I'm going to head home to take a nap. Hopefully I'll feel better for tomorrow.

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