Sunday, February 27, 2011


The worst thing about being sick is when you sleep all day long and then you wake up really late at night (or early in morning which ever perspective you prefer) and can't fall back to sleep.

Perhaps your a little loopy from medication....

At this point your brain really isn't functioning so it's not likely you'll accomplish anything really worth while....

so you sit...
you TRY to sleep...
and you watch tv....

Sigh* It wouldn't be so bad if you had someone to hang out with... but in fear of spreading your potential "cooties" you stay clear of everyone.

So trapped in your bedroom you start to get ansy. The next day you wake up feeling, needless to say, much better. So you go crazy and stay out late....

The problem then lies in the issue that now your back to square one. Alas! Your body hasn't recovered so it's decided to crash again and you miss the game... you miss hangingout with people... you miss going to the library because you sleep untill 5:00 pm....

Simple words of advice:

Dear Self,
When you're a sicky just deal with it, or it lasts longer....

And for pitty sakes take the stupid cough liquid cough medicine even if you hate it and it makes you gag....

But... I'M BORED!!!!


Friday, February 25, 2011

The Morning With Out Make-UP

For those of you who know me... I'm addicted to make-up. Yes, addicted. It's one of my compulsions that I obsess about.

Yesterday I was a sicky and slept ALL day. I woke up about 1:00 am and couldn't go back to sleep. Sadly, I stayed awake till about six in the morning and when my alarm went off this morning I happily turned it off and went back to sleep.

At 9:10 I woke up at a start realizing... I was, in fact, late for class. I decided to throw on some clothes and head out the door.

Promptly doing so, I ran to my car and prayed for an open spot. Luckily Heavenly Father loves me so there was several areas to park. Jumping out of my car, I loudly clomped through the lot in my black and white galoshes to my destination.

Upon arriving at my 9:00 class roughly 17 min late I hung my head and took my rightful spot in the back of the classroom. When it came time to go to my second class my guts failed me and I retreated to the Communications department office and chit-chatted with the professors.

Currently, I'm sticking around in some lab just to prove to myself I CAN be without my makeup. However the truth is no one is in the lab except for one boy....

Alas... I need to purge myself of my addictions!

Make-up... and chocolate... Ha ha

Wednesday, February 23, 2011



1) I discovered I kicked some wonderful gluteus maximus, medius and minimus on my test in Mass Comm Theory. Heck yes, I'm fantastic!
  • I feel like bragging... so guess what... TOP SCORE
  • I know you're all lionizing me right now :P (Don't worry it's just my word of the day and I hadn't use it yet. I'm really not that cocky... okay maybe I am ;P )

2) I finished my presentation for Ad Strategies...
  • Boo Yah!
  • I also realized I think I would quite like to teach college students. Oh no... ha ha

3) Sadly I feel SICK... BOOOOO!!!! Why do I always seem to get sick, ESPECIALLY when I'm under stress?
  • What's that you say?
  • Oh they go hand in hand? Alas... such an unfortunate predicament.... I hate germs....
  • Booo... I need some orange juice and someone to hold me...
  • It's okay though, class is done and I'm going to head home to take a nap. Hopefully I'll feel better for tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Does some one have a manual?

Speaking of manuals does someone have one I could borrow?


1) Man-u-al

2) Man, You all

3) Man, you all suck!

4) Men, you all suck! Hhhmmm?

Strange how my mind works sometimes...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Someone Kissed My Hand

So today in the midst of my freaking out and trying to get a handle on all I "HAVE" to do... I was reminded of some of the fantastic things in life:

1) I was exiting out of one building when a group of individuals with mental challenges and disabilities started entering. One of the men called out to me and we talked briefly. He was sweet and kissed my hand. I'll admit I was sad when I had to wash my hands today.

2) At WalMart a woman stopped me to tell me I looked beautiful. I love individuals who aren't afraid to talk to people and especially people who give compliments. (Tomorrow, give someone a compliment)

3) I got a steamer at Cravings! MMMmm.... I go at least once a week ;D. (If your in Cedar go! It's located near Golden Spoon and Ninja)

4) I played my guitar....

5) Planned and held a successful study group.

In other news.... (*deep resonating voice*)

This weekend I should be going home! Hooray! I really could use a break. Sadly, I still will have a lot to accomplish over the weekend but Hallelujah for the three day weekend. Monday will be a good day to catch up on things...

If I don't get to go home because of the weather... someone will definitely have to give me a hug because I will be deeply depressed.

*Dramatic Groan*

...Back to work

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Ohh I really hate you right now "

So... I love this version and the aesthetics of the women in the leopard clothing is magical...

"Ooh I really hate you right now woman."

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Days:

It's Friday....

I'll still be doing a ton of homework but hey, it's FRIDAY!

So Brian Regan is coming to SUU but... it's going to be fairly expensive... But he is hilarious! I love his expressions!

The following clip is one of my favorites. It's just an audio but trust me, it will make you die laughing!

In this clip pay attention to his expression at segment 2:38.

If you wear glasses you have to watch this one... (just start at 1:25)

Speaking of comedians if anyone can locate a clip called "And the bear licked the honey" I really want it.... I think it's done by Brian Regan... but I'm not sure.

Oh yeah and subscribe for a $40 giveaway to a Cedar local bookstore. Yes... $40 need I say more?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Say It With Me "N-O"

It's nice to be able to say no.... "N-O!" Even if you don't or can't say it directly it's wonderful....

Try saying it directly with me...

I might not be say it frequently but it's nice to know I can. My mother passed on the innate ability to struggle with the pronounciation... so I've learned to get around it.

Try some of the following if you struggle:

-I wish I could...


-Oh that sounds wonderful but I'm afraid...


Dear Boy,

Dear Controling Man,
NOOOOOOO.... Soooo sooo sorry.... *Cough: not really*

Dear Girl,

Dear "Specific" Girls,




For all of you who are worried about Valentines... DON'T sweat it....

It's just another day...

This semester is going to be ridiculous! I don't know about any of you but I've been feeling overwhelmed.

Majorly overwhelmed....

I've always been one to make lists. I chart things by what I need to do. Recently I've been charting by the hour....