Monday, August 2, 2010

I can't handle...
my room. It's seriously a disaster. Yikes!

I'm trying to figure out...
what I'll be doing after I graduate.

I'm craving...
chocolate and icecream. But really when does that not happen.?

In the last few days I've had several people ask me if they can take a photo of my hair. I know copying is the biggest form a flattery but i really don't want a whole bunch of people to have the same hair cut as me. Alot of the time it's older ladies to... really? Really?

I recieved...
my glasses! However they are so strong... my eyes are having a hard time adjusting. My last glasses were three years old... so the prescription was needless to say, very old. Some one whith out glasses won't understand this but... for the first few weeks new glasses always give me headaches.

I've stayed up past my bedtime...
exactly fourteen min...and counting. *sigh*

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