Friday, March 4, 2011

Perspective With Pimples

There are those individuals we all look up to who we think their lives must be perfect... we believe they have "everything going for them".

The truth is, most likely those individuals are only putting up a facade. Most likely they are just as stressed out as us...

Those individuals we idolize, who we think are "perfect"...

-have pimples like we do
-they occasionally have crushes on individuals who don't like them (or know they exist)
-they break down and cry
-they look up to other people and think someone else has it "all figured out" (maybe they look up to you)
-they procrastinate
-they have bad hair days
-they don't get perfect grades/scores
-their family lives/relationships probably aren't as easy or simple as they look
-things don't come as easily to them as it seems (at least not for everything)
-Their perfect outfit probably took a few attempts

So to those of you who I lionize... I hope things are running smoothly for you! :D

Thanks Kelly for reading my paper!

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