I feel... ____ _____.... inwardly I want to ____ ___ _____ __ _____.
_____ __ ... some times need __ _______.... It's for ____ ___ ____. Is it ____ to want _________? ___ ____ _____ ______.... ____ seem to ______.... It's hard to _____. _____ ___!
____ _____ rises inwardly.... Why am I so _____ ___ __ __ _____?
Boys are so_____. It's best to not ____ ___ _________ them .
Over all I'mcontent.... I'm finding myself and figuring out what NEEDS to be done. I can't believe I'm going to be entering the real world!?!
Dear World, Thanks for being so grand today. I appreciate your warmth and the extra love you given me. World, I accept your big hug and extend to you a hug and a kiss.
Thank you for your wonderful trees which I enjoy climbing in, especially with boys. I don't know why, but it makes it more fun.
Thank you for the sunshine, it has lifted my spirits as well as my body temperature.
Thank you for the crunchy leaves.... There is nothing quite like squishing a leaf when your annoyed or happy.
Thank you for the stars and especially Cassiopeia since she's my favorite.
Thank you for people. I know sometimes I get annoyed with some of the general population in my vicinity, but everyone is pretty fabulous aren't they? Yup...
However, I have a few favors to ask. That is, if you can comply...
Number one.... can you please make that boy stop staring at me in one of my classes. It's making me feel uncomfortable.
Number two... can winter be short this year and it just rain alot?
Number three... I don't know if you have any connection to health issues and such but if I could get completely healthy and stay healthy, I'D GREATLY APPRECIATE IT!
I'm being extra needy today. So I'm going to ask my readers a favor. If you read this post... will you post something? :D
I recently read (Recently as in read it all in one day... aka: yesterday) "Hunger Games". Can you say fantabulous?!
I'm so thrilled to find another series I love. However, there are only three books. Alas, I'm sure I"ll be done with them by the end of next week. I'm open to any wonderful suggestions any of you might have.
Sadly, I have to wait untill Monday before I can borrow the second book. :(
I ADORE fantasy and fiction and I love the dark side of the first book(read them and you'll understand). I hope the author doesn't change the feel of the other books.
At the end of "Hunger Games" (don't worry I won't spoil it), there is a particular disturbing thought about these creatures with human eyes.... I know confusing, but I'm being vague for your sake. Any how when I was getting ready this morning I kept imagining a creature going to attack me. Of course it was the kind with human eyes so I kept "visualizing" it was this specific individual.... I don't even know the color of there eyes....
Anyhow... I was freaking out in the shower. I was freaking out blow drying my hair. I was just freaking out....
My imagination really gets the better of me sometimes.... And I even try to change my thought process and say "Bbla bla really isn't happening... bla bla bla." However it takes me a long time to convice myself and sometimes it doesn't work so well.
In lieu of thinking of a good transition... -Transition-
I'm sitting in the library at the moment and I have to admit, I'm literally cringing from all the sick people around me. Sickies!!! They're surrounding me! Coughing, sneezing and sniffing....
I had decided before I started blogging that I would try to keep the drama out of my writing as well as the occasional sad thoughts.....
Ha ha....
Guess I am a drama diva.... (but I all ready knew that...)
Oh well.... deal with it, because I'm looking forward to a juicy 2011 LAST SEMESTER OF SCHOOL ... possibly the LAST SEMESTER OF SCHOOL FOR MY ENTIRE LIFE... okay okay I'm not sure yet. However, it is my last semester of my Bachelors degree. :D
So here's what I'm excited for during my last semester:
1)Knowing the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm so ready for something bigger! World, here I come!
2)Being President for CCG... ah it will run much more smoothly this year....
3)Boys... (Hopefully some possibly free food will come into account).
4)Being healthy. I'm taking on the tactic (once again) that, "I refuse to get sick!!"
5)My eight thirty classes.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH THAT'S A LAUGH... I was just checking to see if you were paying attention.... ;P
I enjoy fresh starts and new beginnings. To be honest this last semester I was living in a shadow but I think I've started lifting out....
Sometimes I think the only way to learn a lesson, get over an issue or all of the above is to hibernate in a cave.
In every aspect of life we learn to "Make do or do with out." Whether it's trying to figure out what to do about that forgotten assignment, what to do with a horrid hair day or trying to figure out what to do with your self after a form of rejection... we all do it.
This blog is dedicated to my life... well snip-its of it anyway. So I invite you to read, comment and hopefully laugh with me and not at me.
Okay okay... sometimes you can laugh at me....