Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Resolution, Realistic, REWARD

Recently I've been considering what I want to do for my New Years Resolutions. Yes, plural. I've made several goal lists over the last few months.

I have a tendency to make a HUGE list.... After I create this gigantic list, I have a revelation to cut it down. So I create a "New" list. Next, I make a "Realistic Goal List" because let's face it I'm overzealous.

The problem is I get overwhelmed with my "To Do List" and so I accomplish nothing. Therefore, I have created a solution, the "Reward List".

I'm going to create a chart so I can cross of my success. And instead of feeling dreadful if I don't do anything, I'm deciding to use a reward system.

Yes, I'm aware it sounds slightly adolecent. But here's the thing: It's not!! :D Admit it... I'm a genius... ;P

Each goal or activity will give me a different amount of points which I will be able to use to reward myself.

For example:
21 points could allow me to eat out
133 could let me purchase a shirt...

And instead of mapping things out saying I'll do something daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly.... bla... I'm just doing to DO. And when I DO something I'll REWARD myself... :D

Here are some things I've been considering to add to the "Better Me/Reward List"

-Game/movie night We'll rotate when ever we choose. I just need to find a location...
-30 min on the guitar
-Performance at Groovacious
-Eating fruit or veggies I need to be more healthy! I'm basically addicted to sugar...
-Morning Prayers
-Pool competitions at the institute building (the kind with the "eight ball")
-Going swimming at the SUU's PE building I LOVE LOVE LOVE swimming but I have this dreaded fear of people seeing me with out my makeup(It's above snakes, public speaking [It's probably around top fear number 5 or 6].) I'm pretty sure I'll give myself 5 points for this task.... lol... maybe 10.... Although the points will only count if it's at the school PE building (or else it would defeat the fear).
-Working out at the gym

Are you working on your New Years Resolution List?


School is out... for now ;D

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