Wednesday, February 17, 2010


You know when someone pops your bubble?


Currently some one is sitting by me in the computer lab.... It's the social ettiquet you don't sit directly by the person. Worst their whole body language is up in my space....

Get out of my space.....

I know what your thinking... shouldn't you be doing homework Liz?

Yes... *exasperated sigh* That's exactly what I should be doing... SHOULD.

Also I'm sure your thinking aren't you afraid they will look over and see you typing this? To answer your question. Yes, I am. Although, that's the wonderful about the ELC (basically the nerd library...) there are two screens. This way I can tilt the closest screen by the person towards me rather than them....

Worst... I know this person. If I move, they will be wierded out if they see me simply move to a different side of the whole room.... Since it's a small room they will see.... Hmmm... What to do what to do.

Ha ha. I shifted over once and moved the computer screens. I thought I was being sneaky and moved over again in my chair... and the person noticed and said sorry. I feel slightly bad. But I still want to move the computer screen. Then it will be completely obvious that I'm uncomfortable....

Am I a terrible person?

No. I just like my space when I do my homework....

Yes yes... I'm going to do my homework. But first a shout out to all the wonderful dancers!!! Great job tonight at SUU's "Dancing With the Stars!!!"

Weren't they just brilliant??

Okay okay... now to start this huge assignment! *DRAMATIC SIGH*

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