Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Winter Has Arrived

Winter has arrived. If you hate it, don't blame me... I'm just relaying the facts.

I'm simply stating the obvious. But if your afraid of the snow or slightly depressed, let me cheer you up....

Just think:

1-Hot chocolate
4-Snowball fights
5- Snowboarding
6- Cuddling in warm blankets... Mmm (while cuddling with boys is nice to, I'm just talking about wrapping yourself in a blanket)

Tonight I ventured out in the snow. When I'm feeling down being outside makes me feel better. However, I know being alone isn't always good when it's night time.

So I decided to go to a public park.... Unfortunately, people were making out... *dramatic sigh*

So I had to relocate and then... relocate again. *SIGH*

Anyhow so I finally was able to find a place where I could think and get away. Sadly I didn't think much about my wardrobe because I was soooooo frustrated.

Needless to say before I had cooled down mentally my physical body was well below room temperature and so I had to leave.


  1. i only like two of those 5 things listed, one of which is snow cones which actually belongs in the SUMMER catagory ya crazy. and since i can and do have hot chocolate any time of year i please, i am still depressed about that 3 inches of snow i'm going have to scrape off my car in the morning.

  2. I'm sorry... I'll think of a better list :P

  3. p.s.
    Snow cones are for winter to silly! Where do you think the summer people got the idea from?
