Friday, April 16, 2010


Today I decided to be happy. It's not like I set out to be grumpy when I'm upset, rather... I just tend to get overwhelmed.

Usually I think in my head I want to be happy and I set out to be happy. But sometimes when I'm upset I get in this black hole....

So today I've decided to be happy!

Here are a few sliver linings:

-I FINALLY have all my surveys filled out for my research project. Boo-Ya!

-I get to see my father this weekend

-Yesterday I was told I was "irreplaceable". How sweet huh?

-My FABULOUS ROOMIES! Kellie Jean I'm glad your so sweet and we didn't fight like in your dream.... Kitty, thanks for all the delectable food and being constantly so sweet and caring. Kelly, I'm glad I was able to room with my best friend!

-I'M GETTING A CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooooooooo excited!
-I love my boots... yes I don't think anyone can have an off day if they are wearing killer shoes. :)
-My guitar has a strap now :)
-I'm slowly getting better at the guitar! Horay for tabs!


  1. Sorry your bike got stolen. Keep practicing the guitar. It is so worth it.

  2. Yeah... I can't wait until I'm really good :P
